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The Tale of Lord Ganesha: Birth Story, Symbolism and Facts



Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha holds a special place as one of the most universally revered and beloved deities in Hindu mythology. Lord Ganesha is eldest son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Ganesha, known as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom, is revered across India and beyond. It is customary to invoke Ganesha's presence at the outset of new ventures and during various ceremonies. Experience the captivating stories and symbolism of Lord Ganesha.  

Lord Ganesh with Goddess Parvati

Birth of Lord Ganesha  

The origins of Lord Ganesha are rooted in captivating myths that emphasize his significance in Hindu Mythology. According to Hindu Scriptures, Shiva was away for meditating, and Parvati decided to create a guardian for herself. She made a beautiful boy out of clay and breathed life into him. This divine child was Ganesha, her son, endowed with the qualities of loyalty, strength, and unwavering devotion to his mother. Parvati was delighted and told Ganesha to stand guard at her abode's entrance while she took a bath.  

In time, Shiva returned home and was surprised by a strange boy who refused him to enter his own house. Furious, Shiva commanded his army to destroy the boy, but they failed, as Ganesha possessed immense power, being the son of Devi herself. In a moment of intense confrontation, Shiva, unable to recognize the child’s divine nature, beheaded Ganesha with his Trident (Trishul). The severed head fell to the ground, and the lifeless body lay at the entrance. When Parvati emerged and discovered her beloved son lifeless, she was overwhelmed with sorrow and rage. Her grief knew no bounds, and she demanded Shiva revive Ganesha, threatening to destroy the world if he did not respect it. Realizing his grave mistake and eager to console his beloved wife, Shiva promised to bring Ganesha back to life.   

 He sent his disciples to find the head of the first living being they encountered, and they found a young elephant. They brought the elephant's head to Shiva, who then fixed it onto Ganesha's body and brought him to life. Brahma, Vishnu, and the other gods conferred upon him various boons and titles, declaring him as the foremost among gods, to be worshipped before any other deity.  

Sangadahara Chaturthi worship to remove all the difficulties and obstacles in life.


The symbolism behind every aspect of Ganesha's iconography is truly fascinating. His large elephant head represents wisdom and understanding, while his adaptable trunk signifies efficiency and versatility in performing tasks. The large ears symbolize his attentiveness to the prayers and concerns of his devotees, and his small eyes denote concentration and focus. Ganesha's pot-bellied figure symbolizes the ability to digest both the pleasant and unpleasant experiences in life. His vehicle, the tiny mouse, signifies that no creature is too small to bear the weight of divinity and represents the conquest of ego and desires.  The objects held in Ganesha's hands also carry deep significance. The axe or goad is used to remove attachments and overcome obstacles, while the noose captures and eliminates difficulties from the path of his devotees. The sweet modak in his trunk represents the rewards of leading a disciplined life, and his blessing hand assures his followers of his protection.  

Fascinating facts about Lord Ganesha  

  1. Multiple names: Ganesha is known by many names, including Ganapati, Vinayagar, Balaganapati, Gajamughanatha, Avaneesh and Ekadanta. Each name has a different attribute or story associated with it.  
  2. Different forms: The Ganapatyam identifies 32 iconic forms of Lord Ganesha, with 16 being the most renowned. These forms are not different from Ganesha but represent various aspects and attributes of the deity.   
  3. Ganesh chaurthi: This big celebration marks the birth of Ganesha and is widely celebrated across India, especially in Maharashtra. It features Ganesha statues, daily prayers, and cultural performances, and concludes with the immersion of the statues in water.  
  4. Love for sweets: Ganesha has a well-known fondness for sweets, particularly Kollukattai (modaks). During Ganesha Chaturthi, devotees offer various sweets to delight him.  

As we invoke Ganesha's blessings in our lives, we are reminded of the eternal truths he embodies – the importance of wisdom, the necessity of overcoming obstacles, and the power of perseverance.  

Embark on your spiritual journey. We invite you to explore the diverse offerings at our Om Spiritual Shop. Worship Lord Ganesha with our Karungali Ganesha products, Ganesha pendants, and Ganesha idols at the best price. 


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