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108 Names of Lord Ganesha with Meaning


108 Names of Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha or Ganapati or Vinayaka, holds a special place as one of the most universally revered and beloved deities in Hindu mythology. He is the eldest son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Known as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, and the deity of intellect and wisdom, Ganesha is revered across India and beyond. His presence is invoked before any major undertaking to ensure success and the smooth removal of any hindrances. His vehicle, a small mouse, symbolizes the ability to overcome even the most significant obstacles, as the mouse can gnaw through anything, representing Ganesha’s ability to solve problems and remove barriers in one’s life. 

The 108 Names of Lord Ganesha with Meaning 

The 108 names of Lord Ganesha reflect his many attributes, qualities, and divine roles. Each name carries a specific meaning and benefit, emphasizing different aspects of his multifaceted nature. Worshippers often recite these names as a form of devotion and to seek various blessings.

1. Gajanana - Om Gajananaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One with the face of an elephant. 
2. Ganadhyaksha - Om Ganadhyakshaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Leader of the Ganas (attendants of Shiva). 
3. Vighnaraja - Om Vighnarajaya Namah 
  • Meaning: King of obstacles. 
4. Vinayaka - Om Vinayakaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The supreme leader. 
5. Dvaimatura - Om Dvaimaturaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One who has two mothers. 
6. Dwimukha - Om Dwimukhaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Two-faced Lord. 
7. Pramukha - Om Pramukhaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Foremost or prominent. 
8. Sumukha - Om Sumukhaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One with a beautiful face. 
9. Kriti - Om Kritine Namah 
  • Meaning: The performer of righteous acts. 
10. Supradipa - Om Supradipaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The best illuminator. 
11. Sukhanidhi - Om Sukhanidhaye Namah 
  • Meaning: Treasure of happiness. 
12. Suradhyaksha - Om Suradhyakshaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Lord of all gods. 
13. Surarighna - Om Surarighnaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Destroyer of the enemies of gods. 
14. Mahaganapati - Om Mahaganapataye Namah 
  • Meaning: The great lord of the Ganas. 
15. Manya - Om Manyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Worthy of honor and respect. 
16. Mahakala - Om Mahakalaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Great time or eternal time. 
17. Mahabala - Om Mahabalaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One who is enormously strong. 
18. Heramba - Om Herambaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Mother's beloved son. 
19. Lambajathara - Om Lambajatharayai Namah 
  • Meaning: One with a large belly. 
20. Haswagriva - Om Haswa Grivaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One with a short neck. 
21. Mahodara - Om Mahodaraya Namah 
  • Meaning: One with a big belly. 
22. Madotkata - Om Madotkataya Namah
  • Meaning: One who has intoxicated with power. 
23. Mahavira - Om Mahaviraya Namah
  • Meaning: The most valiant and courageous. 
24. Mantrine - Om Mantrine Namah
  • Meaning: The wise counselor. 
25. Mangala Swara - Om Mangala Swaraya Namah
  • Meaning: The auspicious sound. 
26. Pramadha - Om Pramadhaya Namah
  • Meaning: Lord of the Pramathas (Shiva's attendants). 
27. Prathama - Om Prathamaya Namah
  • Meaning: The first or the foremost. 
28. Prajna - Om Prajnaya Namah
  • Meaning: The wise and knowledgeable. 
29. Vighnakarta - Om Vighnakartre Namah 
  • Meaning: Creator of obstacles. 
30. Vignaharta - Om Vignahartre Namah
  • Meaning: Remover of obstacles. 
31. Vishwanetra - Om Vishwanetre Namah 
  • Meaning: Cosmic eye or universal leader. 
32. Viratpati - Om Viratpataye Namah
  • Meaning: Lord of the vast. 
33. Shripati - Om Shripataye Namah 
  • Meaning: Lord of wealth and prosperity. 
34. Vakpati - Om Vakpataye Namah
  • Meaning: Lord of speech. 
35. Shringarin - Om Shringarine Namah 
  • Meaning: The amorous or adorned with a crown. 
36. Ashritavatsala - Om Ashritavatsalaya Namah
  • Meaning: Protector of those who seek refuge. 
37. Shivapriya - Om Shivapriyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Beloved of Lord Shiva. 
38. Shighrakarina - Om Shighrakarine Namah
  • Meaning: The doer of swift deeds. 
39. Shashwata - Om Shashwataya Namah 
  • Meaning: Eternal and everlasting. 
40. Bala - Om Bala Namah
  • Meaning: The strong. 
41. Balotthitaya - Om Balotthitaya Namah
  • Meaning: Risen with strength. 
42. Bhavatmajaya - Om Bhavatmajaya Namah
  • Meaning: Son of Parvati. 
43. Purana Purusha - Om Purana Purushaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The ancient, eternal being. 
44. Pushne - Om Pushne Namah 
  • Meaning: The nourisher. 
45. Pushkarotshipta Varine - Om Pushkarotshipta Varine Namah 
  • Meaning: One who holds the boon-bestowing lotus. 
46. Agraganyaya - Om Agraganyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The first in rank. 
47. Agrapujyaya - Om Agrapujyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The first to be worshipped. 
48. Agragamine - Om Agragamine Namah 
  • Meaning: The first to be invoked in prayers. 
49. Mantrakrite - Om Mantrakrite Namah 
  • Meaning: The creator of sacred chants. 
50. Chamikaraprabhaya - Om Chamikaraprabhaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One who has the effulgence of gold. 
51. Sarvaya - Om Sarvaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The omnipresent. 
52. Sarvopasyaya - Om Sarvopasyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Worshipped by all. 
53. Sarvakartre - Om Sarva Kartre Namah 
  • Meaning: Creator of all. 
54. Sarvanetre - Om Sarvanetre Namah
  • Meaning: Eye of the universe. 
55. Sarvasiddhipradaya - Om Sarvasiddhipradaya Namah
  • Meaning: Bestower of all accomplishments. 
56. Siddhaye - Om Siddhaye Namah
  • Meaning: The accomplished one. 
57. Panchahastaya - Om Panchahastaya Namah
  • Meaning: One with five hands. 
58. Parvatinandanaya - Om Parvatinandanaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Son of Parvati. 
59. Prabhave - Om Prabhave Namah
  • Meaning: The illustrious and powerful. 
60. Kumaragurave - Om Kumaragurave Namah
  • Meaning: Preceptor of Lord Muruga (Kartikeya). 
61. Akshobhyaya - Om Akshobhyaya Namah
  • Meaning: The unshakable. 
62. Kunjarasura Bhanjanaya - Om Kunjarasura Bhanjanaya Namah
  • Meaning: Destroyer of the demon Kunjarasura. 
63. Pramodaya - Om Pramodaya Namah
  • Meaning: Lord of joy. 
64. Modakapriyaya - Om Modakapriyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Lover of modakas (sweet dumplings). 
65. Kantimate - Om Kantimate Namah 
  • Meaning: The beautiful and enchanting. 
66. Dhritimate - Om Dhritimate Namah
  • Meaning: The resolute and steadfast. 
67. Kamine - Om Kamine Namah 
  • Meaning: The beloved and desirable. 
68. Kapitthapanasapriyaya - Om Kapitthapanasapriyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Lover of wood apples and jamuns. 
69. Brahmacharine - Om Brahmacharine Namah 
  • Meaning: The celibate or disciplined. 
70. Brahmarupine - Om Brahmarupine Namah 
  • Meaning: Embodiment of the universal consciousness. 
71. Brahmavidyadi Danabhuve - Om Brahmavidyadi Danabhuve Namah
  • Meaning: Bestower of the knowledge of Brahma. 
72. Jishnave - Om Jishnave Namah
  • Meaning: The triumphant and victorious. 

73. Vishnupriyaya - Om Vishnupriyaya Namah 

  • Meaning: Beloved of Lord Vishnu. 
74. Bhakta Jivitaya - Om Bhakta Jivitaya Namah 
  • Meaning: The sustainer of devotees. 
75. Jitamanmadhaya - Om Jitamanmadhaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Conqueror of the god of love (Kama). 
76. Aishwaryakaranaya - Om Aishwaryakaranaya Namah
  • Meaning: Bestower of divine wealth. 
77. Jyayase - Om Jyayase Namah 
  • Meaning: The superior or the greatest. 
78. Yaksha Kinnerasevitaya - Om Yaksha Kinnerasevitaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Served by Yakshas and Kinnaras. 
79. Ganga Sutaya - Om Ganga Sutaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Son of the Ganges. 
80. Ganadhishaya - Om Ganadhishaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Lord of the Ganas. 
81. Gambhira Ninadaya - Om Gambhira Ninadaya Namah
  • Meaning: One with a deep, resonant voice. 
82. Vatave - Om Vatave Namah
  • Meaning: Lord of the Vata (wind). 
83. Abhishtavaradaya - Om Abhishtavaradaya Namah
  • Meaning: Granter of desired boons. 
84. Jyotishe - Om Jyotishe Namah 
  • Meaning: The radiant and luminous. 
85. Bhaktanidhaye - Om Bhaktanidhaye Namah 
  • Meaning: Treasure of devotees. 
86. Bhavagamyaya - Om Bhavagamyaya Namah 
  • Meaning: One who is attained through devotion. 
87. Mangalapradaya - Om Mangalapradaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Bestower of auspiciousness. 
88. Avyaktaya - Om Avyaktaya Namah
  • Meaning: The unmanifest and invisible. 
89. Aprakrita Parakramaya - Om Aprakrita Parakramaya Namah
  • Meaning: One with extraordinary valor. 
90. Satyadharmine - Om Satyadharmine Namah 
  • Meaning: Abiding in truth and righteousness. 
91. Sakhaye - Om Sakhaye Namah 
  • Meaning: The friend and companion. 
92. Sarasambunidhaye - Om Sarasambunidhaye Namah 
  • Meaning: Ocean of knowledge and wisdom. 
93. Maheshaya - Om Maheshaya Namah
  • Meaning: Great lord or supreme god. 
94. Divyangaya - Om Divyangaya Namah
  • Meaning: One with a celestial body. 
95. Manikinkini Mekhalaya - Om Manikinkini Mekhalaya Namah
  • Meaning: One who wears a girdle of small bells. 
96. Samasta Devata Murtaye - Om Samasta Devata Murtaye Namah
  • Meaning: Embodiment of all gods. 
97. Sahishnave - Om Sahishnave Namah 
  • Meaning: The patient and tolerant. 
98. Satatotthitaya - Om Satatotthitaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Ever alert and watchful. 
99. Vighatakarine - Om Vighatakarine Namah 
  • Meaning: Remover of obstacles. 

100. Vishwagdrishe - Om Vishwagdrishe Namah 

  •  Meaning: Observer of the universe. 
101. Vishwarakshakrite - Om Vishwarakshakrite Namah  
  • Meaning: Protector of the universe. 
102. Kalyanagurave - Om Kalyanagurave Namah
  • Meaning: Preceptor of auspiciousness. 
103. Unmattaveshaya - Om Unmattaveshaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Appearing as a madman. 
104. Aparajite - Om Aparajite Namah
  • Meaning: The unconquerable. 
105. Samsta Jagadadharaya - Om Samsta Jagadadharaya Namah  
  • Meaning: Supporter of the entire universe. 
106. Sarwaishwaryapradaya - Om Sarwaishwaryapradaya Namah 
  • Meaning: Bestower of all prosperity and wealth. 

107. Akranta Chida Chitprabhave - Om Akranta Chida Chitprabhave Namah

  • Meaning: One who embodies supreme consciousness. 
108. Shri Vighneshwaraya - Om Shri Vighneshwaraya Namah 
  • Meaning: Auspicious lord of obstacles. 




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