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Karungali stick for kula deiva vasiyam


Karungali stick for kula deiva vasiyam

Karungali stick for kula deiva vasiyam What or who is kula deivam? Kula deivam is the god/ goddess for a family, this angelic super power blesses us and stays with us to lead us in the right path. Kula deivams assists individuals in many ways to get health, wealth, longevity of life and success in life. Kula deivam can be a male or female deity or they can also be the ancestors who wanted to do good for us. By pleasing the kula deivam by offering poojas and prayers, one can reap maximum benefits. What is kula deiva vasiyam? Kula...

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Immense Power of Wearing Tulsi Beads Around The Neck


Immense Power of Wearing Tulsi Beads Around The Neck

Tulsi a devotional herb. Tulsi is a wonderful herbal plant that is commonly available in India, it has many medicinal properties to heal the mind and body of a human being. In India, Tulsi is the most sacred plant that is worshipped with the utmost devotion. The plant of Tulsi is believed to be the incarnation of the Divine power itself. The Tulsi Mala is made of stem wood or the seeds of Tulsi and this is mainly used for chanting god's name and worship to help the mind in concentrating during meditation and prayers.   It is said that...

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The unknown miracle powers of the Karungali (Ebony) tree


The unknown miracle powers of the Karungali (Ebony) tree

The Miracle tree - Karungali (Ebony) Mother Nature is one amazing feeling that a human can witness in a lifetime. Nature initiates a process, creates various things and if there is any problem in the system it heals and cures the problems around. There are various medicinal trees and herbs that are very beneficial to humans for mental and physical well being. Karungali is one such miracle tree that has many medicinal benefits. Trees are the base of the human life force - oxygen on earth. Karungali trees are very powerful trees that can filter the impurities in the atmosphere,...

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Rudraksha and Science

Although the power of Rudraksha has been known to people for a long time, it only became more popular in the late 1980s. In particular, Dr. Kahas Roy at the Institute of Technology, University of Varanasi, India. Rudraksha became even more famous after the study of scientists led by Kahas Roy. The results of this study came as a great surprise to the researchers. Because its power was greater than they thought. There is also scientific evidence for this.

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History of Rudhraksham


History of Rudhraksham

Lord Shiva is the only deity of all the deities. He is the Absolute God. The universe appears from that Sarveshwaran. Then it is contained within him during the Flood. The ages of the world can be divided into four according to their morality as Tretayugam, Dvaparayugam, Krutayugam and Kaliyugam. What is happening now is Kali Yuga. In the second of these four eras, the third age, the three great asuras, Tarakatsan, Kamalatsan and Vidyunmali, lived. They are also called Tripurasuras. The trio ruled Tripura, the northern state of India. Tripura means three cities. These three cities were ruled by...

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